Erklärung der SDSP Gruppe der OSZE-PV

Zur Situation in Nahost

Berlin – Die SDSP Group, die Sozialdemokrat*innen und Sozialist*innen in der OSZE-Parlamentarierversammlung hat ein Statement zur aktuellen Situation in Nahost veröffentlicht.

Die SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete und Vizepräsidentin der OSZE-Parlamentarierversammlung Dr. Daniela De Ridder äußerte sich zur Veröffentlichung des Statements:

„Die Hamas ist eine kriminelle Organisation, die sowohl die israelische wie die palästinensische Bevölkerung terrorisiert. Wir verurteilen deren Schandtaten auf das Schärfste. Allerdings dürfen wir die palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung nicht mit der Hamas gleichsetzen; denn auch die Bevölkerung in Gaza ist Opfer des Terrors. Wir trauern um alle Opfer dieses blutigen Krieges.

Die Taktik der Hamas ist perfide. Gleichwohl wünsche ich mir sehnlichst eine Freuerpause, damit ein Korridor für humanitäre Hilfe geschaffen werden kann und der Krieg nicht in einem Blutbad endet. Auch bin ich dankbar, dass Ägypten in Rafah Verletzte versorgt.“

Folgend die Erklärung der SDSP-Gruppe im Wortlaut.

On the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the situation in Gaza
„We condemn the terror of Hamas in the strongest possible terms. Israel has the right to self-defence within international law against this barbaric attack.
We welcome the statement of UN Secretary General and ask for immediate humanitarian ceasefire, release of all hostages and protection of the civilian population under siege.
We express our deep indignation that civilian facilities such as hospitals and schools have been affected in the continuing military confrontation and hundreds of dead have been reported. The provisions of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Refugee Convention must be fully respected by both Israel and Hamas. Deliberately targeting civilians, carrying out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks that kill or injure civilians constitute war crimes. Abduction of civilians and hostage-taking are prohibited under international law and may constitute war crimes. Palestinians in Gaza now urgently need humanitarian assistance for the basic necessities of survival – food, health care, electricity and fuel. We welcome Egypt’s efforts to open a humanitarian corridor to deliver supplies to the civilian population in Gaza. Hamas is bringing them nothing but poverty and suffering and is not acting in their interests. The suffering and hardship of the civilians in Gaza will continue to grow, if their situation is not addressed urgently.
Our major concern is the regional dimension of the conflict, and the possibility of it spilling over to West Bank and the neighbouring countries. Hamas would not have been capable of these unprecedented attacks on Israeli territory without support from its long-term allies. Our focus is especially on the south of Lebanon. With Hezbollah’s involvement, military hostilities could quickly spread into a conflagration throughout the Middle East, triggering a major wave of refugees, which must be prevented.
We urge all politicians in the OSCE participating states to minimise any conflicts spreading out of this in their own countries and to seek dialogue between people, regardless of their origin or religion.
We welcome all efforts to avoid larger conflict in the region. The current heavy crisis should be used to bring a lasting peace for the Israelis and the Palestinians thru the long postponed two-state solution, based on the respect of the international law. To this end we call for an International Conference under UN auspice.“

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