Die SPD-Bundestagsabgeordente Dr. Daniela De Ridder übernimmt die Patenschaft für den iranischen Kurden Hedi Nazmin im Iran übernommen.
Hedi Nazmin wurde am 20. November 2022 in Mahabad inhaftiert und wird in der Haftanstalt des Geheimdienstministeriums in Orumiye in der Provinz West-Aserbaidschan festgehalten. Berichten zufolge wird er gefoltert, um ein Zwangsgeständnis zu erpressen. Ihm werden seit seiner Verhaftung der Rechtsbeistand und Familienbesuche verweigert. Dagegen protestiert Dr. De Ridder aufs Schärfste.
Bitte legen auch Sie Protest gegen diese Festnahme bei der Botschaft der Islamischen Republik Iran ein:
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Ambassador Mahmoud Farazandeh
Podbielskiallee 67
14195 Berlin
Anbei Auszüge aus Dr. De Ridders Protestbrief an den iranischen Botschafter Mahmoud Farazandeh:
His Excellency,
I expressly protest against the arbitrary arrest and sentencing of Hedi Nazmin and in this way express my deepest concern for his life. Hedi Nazmin, was arrested in Mahabad on November 20 and is being held at the Intelligence Ministry Detention Center in Orumiye, West Azerbaijan province. He is reportedly being tortured to force a confession. He has also been denied legal aid and family visits since his arrest.
I want to criticize the lack of the rule of law in the process and the use of torture by security forces to get his confessions. I would like to protest against the unlawful procedure with all determination, as it is a blatant violation of international human rights.
Please speak up to the Iranian government and tell them that the security authorities must immediately grant independent international observers full access to Iranian prisons to investigate the alarming use of unlawful force by security forces in the prisons and the detainees before others unlawful killings, torture and other ill-treatment.
I urge you to stand up for Hedi Nazmin so that he can be granted legal advice and visitation rights!Sincerely yours,
Dr. Daniela De Ridder, MP