De Ridder, Cederfelt and Montella discuss priorities for SR on Eastern Europe

In a video conference call with OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt and Secretary General Roberto Montella, the Assembly’s recently appointed Special Representative on Eastern Europe, German Parliamentarian Daniela De Ridder, highlighted the new security context since the last time she served in this role between December 2020 and October 2021. In particular, De Ridder wanted to discuss expectations for her work as SR to determine the added value of her portfolio for the OSCE PA and the OSCE as a whole.

President Cederfelt noted the need for co-operation and complementarity with other Special Representatives working on regional issues, in particular Reinhold Lopatka (Austria) as Special Representative on Parliamentary Dialogue on Ukraine and John Whittingdale (United Kingdom) as Special Rapporteur on War Crimes in Ukraine.

Cederfelt highlighted the situation in Belarus as another priority for the Special Representative on Eastern Europe. She also underlined the need to support Moldova in its reform process and ensure the country’s stability.

Special Representative De Ridder should work closely with the OSCE PA Ad Hoc Committee on Migration, it was agreed, particularly on the issue of refugees from Ukraine in neighboring countries. SG Montella noted the complexity of the Special Representative on Eastern Europe’s portfolio and urged SR De Ridder to consider her full toolbox as a member of parliament, noting that the International Secretariat will provide advice on activities. There was also some preliminary discussion on possible regional visits.

De Ridder suggested following up with a conversation with other relevant OSCE parliamentarians to determine how to best work together, and noted the growing relevance of food security given the situation in Ukraine. The sides discussed the food security issue as a possible area of co-operation and dialogue for parliamentarians from the region.

For more on the work of the OSCE PA Special Representative on Eastern Europe, including her full mandate, please visit:

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